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Monday, October 11, 2010

Schedule, What's a Schedule?

Today is the first day of the rest of our life. Well, actually it's not that different from any other day. But it is the first day of the Balderas family actually being on a schedule. As I said yesterday, when I was talking with my friend about why things were not working she suggested that we might be over committed, and I had to agree. I realized that the times when I would be angry, bitter, and psycho were the times when I was rushed (i.e. every morning.) I also realized that I was always mad, bitter, and yes, psycho again, when I had expectations for things to be done by my family that they didn't really know were "due" at a certain time. So, that night I sat down and made a schedule for our family. It included what days chores were to be done on, school schedule, sports and playgroup schedules, waking and bedtimes, (most importantly) Bible and devotion time, all color coded with pretty font, because that's how I roll. I also printed out Mama's chore schedule so that I clean a little bit everyday instead of letting the house become a disaster zone and then cleaning for hours. This, I am praying, will help me to (1) plan ahead for the time I will be heading out the door, (2) not scheduling too many other things in my day so the truly important things get done, and (3) everyone's chores are listed so they can daily check and see what needs to be done so I am not a nagging wife/mama driving everyone crazy with annoyance. After all, "It is better to live alone in the desert than with a quarreling and complaining wife." Proverbs 21:19 NCV. (I know that's one every wife wants to hear ;-) So far today it has been a little rocky, but I was expecting that. I realized that if I am rushed, stressed, and generally  disorganized it makes me more likely to stray from the fruits of the Spirit and turn towards the flesh. My inspiration today is from Proverbs 31:27- "She watches over her family and never wastes her time." NCV. Although I am not completely focused on one fruit of the Spirit today, I am trying to change the reasons why I may not exhibit the fruits. What is your trigger? Work on it with me...


  1. i love what you're doing here. Keep it up!

  2. Great idea about the charts. I am inspired by your openess and your seeking. Thanks for the 'window' into your life. love you, mom

  3. My trigger is when I finally sit down to relax, check up on emails, have a up of coffee, etc...and one of my kids wants something in their whiney little voices...it immediately sends me over the edge! Dont they know it is "me" time? Shouldnt they know to give me my space when I want it? Gosh, crazy to see the expectations I have for my kids who are 5, 3 and 1! Thank you for opening my eyes even wider to my unfruitfulness.
