If it is your first time visiting, you might want to start here for a little background on why I started this journey.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Day Has Arrived

The day finally came. I always knew this day would come. The day my kid understood math, science, and human anatomy enough to put two and two together.

"Mommy, you got married in January 2006 and I was born in July 2006. How did that happen?"

I didn't know what to say, after all I had only had 7 1/2 years to think about it. Luckily, because of other siblings around I told him I wouldn't be able to explain until bedtime. And you would have thought I would have used that time to think about it, but I didn't really. The second I stepped in the door the question came at me again.

I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Before daddy and I got married, we weren't listening to what Jesus wanted us to do. We made some bad choices and we had sex before we got married. I was pregnant with you when I got married to your dad. Daddy and I knew we wanted to get married before we found out we were pregnant and we were going to get married anyway because we love each other very much. Mommy and daddy made a bad choice, but God used it for good. Do you know how? He used you to save my life. He used you to bring me back to Him. And that's one of the reasons why I love Jesus so much, because He uses our bad choices to bring us to Him. And I love you, and Daddy, and Jesus, so much."

With tears in my eyes I looked at this boy, this little boy who did save my life. He changed me from a selfish, young girl set on being uncontrolled...to a mom who would do anything for her family. And the best thing for my family was to go to church. And by going to church I fell back in love with Jesus and in love with His plan for my life. And by watching my husband be an amazing dad, he made me fall even more in love with him, which led to more happiness and more babies.

And as uncomortable as this could have been, it wasnt. Because this time, God gave me the words to say (Thanks God, because I could have really screwed this up). I wanted our son to know that we weren't perfect before we had him and we aren't perfect now. No one is perfect except for Jesus. I wanted him to know that people make mistakes, and Jesus redeems our mistakes and uses them for good. Because that lesson will teach him more then him thinking he has perfect parents.

When I think back to that day of being 18, unmarried, and pregnant, I could have never in a million years imagined I would have this beautiful life with so much grace, peace and love. God is so good to me, even though I never ever deserve it. Thank you God.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What To Do When You're Tired, Frustrated, and Selfish

Do you ever start reading the Bible and come across a passage that you can´t believe is in there. You read it several times through just to make sure you read what you thought you read? Well if you haven´t, go ahead and read Matthew 14:1-12. And then you can send me emails saying, ¨What the what?¨ and I can try to explain it the way my Bible study leader did today.

Thankfully, that was not the end of the story. Matthew tells us of the horrific end to John the Baptist and then ends it in only the way Jesus could. He tells us, ¨Now when Jesus heard {about the beheading of John the Baptist}, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns.¨ Matthew 14:13{inserted from prior verses for clarity}

Jesus just found out that John the Baptist-the proclaimer of the Messiah, the chosen prophet, and-oh yeah-Jesus´ cousin-had been beheaded by an evil ruler and his even more evil wife. That is enough to make a person sick, sad, and looking for solitude.

But don´t forget, the people of the area are starting to catch on that this man is like no other man. He is healing sickness, bringing new life, preforming miracles-and they have no idea what He is going to do in the near future to confirm His identity as the son of God. They want a piece of this man. They want His presence. They want His healing touch.

So what does He do? He had every right to send them away. After all, He was morning His cousin and friend. He was tired from a long journey. And He was being mobbed left and right and he was just in sight of rest.

What does He do? ¨When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.¨v. 14. He had compassion and healed them.

When I read this today, it struck me. It struck me like no other time I have ever read this. Jesus was tired. Probably more tired then I have ever been. Yet...He saw them. He interacted with them, He healed them, He loved on them, He gave them what they were looking for.

And as I contemplated this...as God often does, He made it relevant to my life. When I am exhausted, scared, frustrated, mourning, or just plain selfish, and my kids need me...I can choose to respond as Jesus did. They don´t see tiredness, inner feelings, or the thoughts going on in my head. They see their mom. You could be their favorite person in the whole world and all they want is a little bit of your time, a portion of your attention, they just want to be loved on.

And this is not just for parents of young children. This is about that person who needs you, who likes spending time with you, the person you might not even realize looks to your for inspiration and joy. They are in your homes, at your jobs, in your churches, in your neighborhoods. Whoever and whenever it is that someone needs you and you feel like you have nothing left to give, remember... Jesus and His compassion for us when He was searching for rest in a desolate place.

When we are in the middle of these feelings of inadequacy, under preparedness for a task at hand, mental exhaustion, or whatever it may be, it is easy to dismiss or distract. But the joy, the beautiful joy that comes from giving that child or that person the last ounce you have with a happy heart and genuine intention, that joy could be just what you needed to get out of that emotion cycle and finish your day renewed.

Jesus came to this earth to have the full human experience so He could better comfort us when we are down and celebrate with us when we feel joy. He knows how you feel and He shows us the perfect example of how to respond.

In the same way He had compassion on the people that day over 2000 years ago, He has compassion for us. When we need Him, He will be there. Every. Time. Lean on Him, let him refresh your soul so you can be that person for someone who might not know Him yet.

Thank you Father for sending your son as the perfect example. It is impossible to be perfect like Him, and that is not what you ask for. You look at our hearts and our desires to strive to be like Him and glorify you. Please give me the energy and inclination to respond to my children, husband, family, friends, and neighbors as Jesus has responded to us all along. Thank you for giving us your word which is relevant and timeless. You are awesome. AMEN!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Heart Change in 2014

Happy New Year! This joyous moment when all things are new, fresh, and all things are possible. 
I´m going to lose those 15 lbs! 
I am going to read my Bible every day! 
I am going to- 
And before you can finish that sentence you are back on the couch, searching through Pinterest, pinning recipes for Reese´s in between Oreo´s dipped in chocolate. (And I´m bot going to lie, those things are delicious.) 

This year I remembered all the resolutions I have failed on in the past and decided not to make any resolutions. Several days later my lovely friend summed up the reasoning in the perfect way, she wrote:

Her words were exactly what God had put on my heart, my brain was just not able to formulate it in such a perfect way. Behavior modification is not a lasting plan. Jesus coming in and doing heart surgery, that´s a lasting plan. 

What has God put on your heart for 2014? Is it more of Him? Less of the world? More family time? Less electronics? More nature? Less couch?

Whatever it is, whatever you keep hearing God whisper in your ear...Just Do It.

Do the things that God is putting on your heart. Because friend, they are there for a reason. There are things God wants you to experience and learn and grow from. There are things, that if you just open your eyes and pay attention, He will blow your mind with.

Things that once seemed mundane or difficult or impossible or scary can now seem exciting and easy and doable and amazing.

But the only way you will experience these wonders is by doing it. 
So take Nike´s advice and Just Do It.

You won´t regret it.

What has God put on your heart, I want to know!