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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thank God for This Blog

Let me give you a little insight into my day...
"Guys, don't eat cat food." "You guys, just because I am on the phone doesn't mean you can pull out every dvd box, open the door and go on the porch without permission, and eat cat food (again.)" "Ava don't take your diaper off, especially when it has poop in it." "Tucker, don't tell your sister to eat cat food (yes, for the third time.)" Arrrrrggggghhhhhhh!
On days like this I wonder why I make my life harder than it has to be. Why did I insist on homeschooling? Why do I refuse to put Ava in preschool? Why do I hold my babies so much? Why do I limit my kids television consumption? Oh yeah, because God told me to. As frazled and tired I get, I have the strength to go on because I know I am doing what the Lord wants me to do. And I also have this blog to collect my thoughts from the day. The Lord uses this blog to let me know of any changes I can make to prevent these crazy occurances in the future.
That's all I can write for now, I am about one more cat food eating episode away from being completely fried in the brain