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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Can You Say Control Freak?

If anyone reading this knows me, you probably know that I am a control freak. I may have been hiding it from some of you, but now its out in the open. I would like to control everything. I want to control every bite of food going into my childrens mouths, I want to control everything my family watches, I would really like to control every word that comes out of my husband's mouth for some reason (still wondering about that one.). I want to control everyone else, but in the process I can't control myself. I can't stop myself from speaking the words of control over my family. So, today I am working on self-control. Something kind of surreal happened when I began this journey a little over a week ago. My mind, heart, eyes, and ears were taken over. I interpreted, felt, saw, and heard things differently. Instead of being quick to correct, control, yell, or cut off, I was "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." (James 1:19) Even in doing so I would recognize what the former me would have done, which was very interesting. It was so weird, yet awesome! So, as the week started and the old pressures of life started back again, I noticed this kind of wearing off. So my goal for the day is to return to that way of thinking and use self-control. James 1:19 is the best reference for this. When are we usually losing control of our selves? When we are jumping to conclusions, not letting people finish their sentences, not fully thinking before we speak. I especially have this problem with Tucker (and sometimes Jimmy). I assume I know what they are going to say (because I read minds and everything ;-). Even if I do know how they are going to finish, it is very frustrating to them. I need to control my tongue from trying to control others. My husband is a wonderful, fully capable human being. I don't need to control what he is doing and saying. Yes, I do need to control something in my childrens lives, but not every teeny tiny little detail. I need to give them some freedom to train them how to make good choices. This has been the fruit of the Spirit that had been holding me back from diving in, and a prayer of mine for about 4 years now to be more submissive and respectful to my husband. So...here we go. Lord, help me......

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