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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Busy Is Not an Excuse

 So, I have already failed on my goal of writing every day. I missed the last 2 days because of how busy I have been. But I cannot make excuses. I need to set my priorities straight. If I don't have time for focusing on my walk, I have it all wrong. So...lets get back on track!
 In my busyness this week, I have had lots of changes to exercise my self-control :-) I was still rushed, because I realized that I had already planned so many things for this week that I wasn't able to fully implement my schedule. So that is one of my goals for next week, trying to not fit too many things in and actually stick to the schedule. This would also be an exercise in self control. Self control. Wow! It is hard sometimes. When you have a 4 year old who thinks its normal to take 40 minutes to eat a meal, who likes to dilly dally, and generally drive mommy insane with his snail pace, then you get a lot of chances to either blow it or exercise self control. When I have to be out the door in  5 minutes and I look at him eating his soggy cereal, still not dressed I can (a) scream at him and ask him why he is purposely driving me crazy (because that's why he does everything, right? Like it's actually premeditated.) or (b) calmly tell him that he needs to be done eating and get him dressed. In my pre-fruit awakening days, I would have been yelling, but now I make the choice to be calm. I am also realizing that so much of it is me not setting the tone, being prepared, and taking control of the situation. Now, I get Tucker dressed before he eats so that if he decides to take more time than ever before in the history of breakfast-eating, I can just cut him off and get him out the door. Also, like I said a couple days ago, the fruits of the Spirit are intertwined. If I decide to lose my cool and scream like a banshee, I am not showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness. My motivation for today is from 2 Peter 1:6-8, "Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and finally you will grow to have genuine love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

This week I am going to be examining things that prevent me from being Spirit filled and changing them.  Set your priorities, set your tone, and set your mind on the fruits of the Spirit.

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