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Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Fruit Filled Day

Yesterday was quite a busy day. Busy usually equals crazy, but yesterday was not crazy. I actually felt like I exhibited or was surrounded by every fruit yesterday. The morning started out with sleeping in which was very PEACEFUL, then having my KIND husband make my a very yummy breakfast. After that, I took Ava to pick up Tucker from a sleepover with his Aunti. I showed him some LOVE after being away from him and missing his cute little face :-) We left there and went to Target, where the Lord blessed me with SELF-CONTROL while shopping. I was able to get out of there without buying anything unnecessary. We went home to rest for a little while, which is when is when I got to exercise my PATIENCE with a crying, screaming, tantrum throwing 4 year old who shall remain nameless ;-) I was able to be GENTLE while disciplining, but boy was it hard. Definitely not my favorite thing in the world to do. After getting everyone ready with perfectly groomed hair, coordinating outfits, accessories, and the full shebang, we loaded up to go get our portraits done at the park with our Life Group. After having some amazing shots with our favorite photographer, our Life Group decided to bring some GOODNESS to the local homeless population in Escondido. We were able to buy them some nice hot pizza, water bottles, and care packages. This really helped open mine and Jimmy's eyes, but also Tucker's, to the blessings that God has given us and the duty we have to help those less fortunate. Romans 12:13 says, "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." This is what we wanted to do, and we had a good time interacting and praying with the very nice people of Grape Day Park. After this, we went to my in laws house and had some awesome fellowship with great food and UFC fights (you might be thinking this is weird, but that's just how we roll :-). The entire day strengthened my FAITH and brought me great JOY. My husband said it best the next morning, "That was one of those days that I would like to live over again." I couldn't agree more. I have to admit, I did have times I was very close to losing my temper. But the Spirit is an awesome thing. When you are about to lose it, you take a deep breath, say a prayer, and things seem to go smoothly. Did you have a fruit filled day? I hope so! Here is to many more like it...

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