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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Calm After the Storm

We haven't really left the house in 3 days. Other then a food run, me and my munchkins have been home bound for no other reason than just because we can. After the flurry of Christmas, I thought it would be nice to just stay in our pajamas and relax. As you know, I usually over commit myself, so this is a big stretch for me. I have noticed several things about being home. I am not accomplishing much. Normally I am on a schedule where I only have so much time to clean the house, feed the kids, and appear somewhat put together before leaving the house for the majority of the day. So now that I have all day, you would think I could get everything on my to do list accomplished, but no. But that's okay, it will get down when it gets done. Also, I don't get to relax and play with my kids enough. Tucker and I have played with every Christmas present he got, and Ava has been right there along for the fun. When we are crazy busy I miss out on stuff I didn't even realize. In the last 3 days I have taught Tucker 4 new card games, watched the kids play nicely with each other, and started reading 2 new books. I have used my Christmas gift (a BlendTec blender) 5 times, made every meal, and rearranged my room. These are things I would not have been able to do if I didn't take the time to slow down. My motivation for today is 1 Thesselonians 4:11 "This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we commanded you before." This is a verse I will have to work into my life, or maybe I should say I need to work my life into this verse. To think that I could enjoy not being busy, huh! This has motivated my to keep my schedule a little more open and plan for downtime to just be. I hope your Christmas was wonderful and you are able to take time and relax before the year is over. God bless and  enjoy your quiet day :-)

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