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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Reoccurring Theme

Oh, just when I think I have things under control, God reminds me that I don't. It is like a reoccurring theme in my life. Caitlyn hits a new low, turns to the Lord, the Lord guides her back to Him, she follows, reads the Bible faithfully, becomes comfortable (i.e.lazy), starts slacking on her reading, then is back to the low. It is almost predictable. So why do I keep jumping on this roller coaster ride? That is what I am trying to figure out. Let's start with what brought me to this realization today. From the moment my son woke up this morning, he has been trying to drive me crazy. The whining, the crying, the "you can't tell me what to do" attitude. It did drive me crazy! I became angry with him for his behavior, and in doing so, also acted like a 4 year old. I started yelling too. So I sent him off to school with both of us angry. And now, I know why I was so quick to anger. I hadn't sat down and read the Bible in a couple days. I read the verse that popped up on my phone every morning, trying to use that as an excuse for "Bible reading", but I did not sit down and focus on the Lord. I let life get in the way (how many times have I said this on this blog already? I think I am sensing a problem here.) I need to dedicate time to the Lord. He is my first priority in my heart, but I don't make Him my first priority in my actions. I clean, cook, exercise, care for kids, look at Facebook (anybody else with me?) before I sit down and focus on the Word. And it is not intentional, but I need to be intentional with where my focus is directed. So faithfulness is the word of the day. And I will be faithful in my Bible reading. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it changes my heart. It reminds me how much the Lord loves me, and that I need to show that love to everyone around me. So I am going to use a repeat verse and a new verse today for inspiration, the first is the new. Job 23:12-"I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food." This one struck me in particular. I should desire to read the Bible above my desire to eat, or do other things, even if they are necessary for life. Because the Word of God is necessary for everlasting life! My repeat verse is always a good reminder, and one Tucker and I will be memorizing today. "My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." James 1:19. I don't know if your life is anything like mine, but the crazier it gets, the more it reminds me I need to be in the Word. I hope it will be a sign to you as well. Have a blessed day :-)

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