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Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years "Resolutions" Start the Monday After New Years, Right?

It's Monday, and boy does it feel like Monday. First Monday of the whole year. I thought, "Okay, now I will get back in the swing of things and start this year right!" Is that how today went? No. Of course not. Did I start my day off right with some Bible reading and prayer? No. I was woken up an hour earlier than usual by two cranky monkeys. Did I get Tucker to school on time? No. Did I cook dinner today? No. Did I clean my house? No. I didn't even do my new years blog post until January 3rd. Hmmm. This doesn't seem to be going well so far. So I have decided, Tuesday is the new Monday. Tomorrow will be the day I start the new year off right. Since I have already showed myself how not to do it, I can make a game plan on how to do it, but right this time. I don't really believe in resolutions, because something about them just completely makes me not want to do them. So instead I make more broad suggestions and see where they lead, knowing that God will shine a spotlight on the things I really need to change. My first area is Bible reading. As I have said before, I know I should do it, I feel better when I do it, I actually LOVE to do it! But it is still elusive to me. I need to make it more of a priority and try to figure out what is getting in my way of reading the Bible, and try to set up a time every day that works (suggestions would be appreciated :-) Starting tomorrow I WILL read my Bible. My second area of change is being more consistent with the kids devotional and other learning books. I have a 100 day devotional for kids we have been doing for well over a year now. And I just realized I got a new devotional that was supposed to start January 1st that I didn't start. Tucker has also been learning how to read with a 100 lesson book, that he should be almost done with, and he is on lesson 25. So needless to say, I am not doing well with anything that involves daily use. I need a more organized routine that allows time to do the things are important to us as a family. And the third area is (drum roll please...) being less controlling of little things. I know I surprised you with that one ;-) I need to stop trying to control every word out of Jimmy's mouth, every action of Tucker, and all the little things that are impossible to control. I need to let the people in my family be themselves and stop trying to change them. I need to trust God to change them, or trust Him to change me to not be annoyed by them :-) I have done a fairly good job in trusting Him with all the big things, but am having a hard time with the little things. I guess they just seem insignificant to me, but everything is significant to God, especially how I treat my family. So in honor of the new year, my verse for encouragement today is "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17NIV.
  So those are my things, what are your things? If you don't have anything to change, I would love to meet you, because you must be Jesus ;-) Really examine your life and your heart, see what the Lord shows you. Peace and Love in 2011.

1 comment:

  1. trevor has always had good luck with disappearing to "go to the bathroom" because he knows thats his only time of peace without everyone else. it has kept his quite time for reading the bible which has its special table in their for about 2 years now :P funny is it is, its getting done one way or another i suppose lol maybe you will find your "bathroom time" <3
