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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Little Peace Sounds Nice Right About Now...

Peace.  The word itself brings wash of calm feelings over me. Peace itself seems so elusive sometimes. Busy and peace can go together, but they usually don't seem to in my house. I don't feel like I have had a true moment of peace in the last week or two. And who is to blame for this? I would like to say my husband, kids, cats, work, (anyone but myself), but I can't. It's me. I try to shove so much into one day that I don't even have time for peace. Even typing it sounds ridiculous. Peacefulness in the home translates to peaceful attitudes to the family. If I am running my kids ragged, going here, there, and everywhere, nobody is peaceful because everyone is tired of being over committed. This has been weighing on my heart for the last couple of days and I am trying to figure out what to do about it. So, let me go to my instruction manual for life. "Those who love your law have great peace and do not stumble." Psalms 119:165-*-Proverbs 12:20b-"...joy fills the heart of those who plan peace!"-*- "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on You."  Isaiah 26:3. These three verses are so comforting. If I love the law, plan for peace, and fix my thoughts on the Lord, then it's all good! Yes things come up, but the majority of the disruptions in the peace are because of my own poor planning. Proverbs 12:20b in particular speaks to me (although it may be in a different context.) I need to plan for peace. Don't continue shoving more and more into a day I already know is full. That is planning to not have peace. And for the days that are busy and I can't remove anything from them? Love his law and fix my thoughts on Him. If my thoughts are fixed on the Lord, I should be focused on how He would want me to handle busy days and stressful situations. If I love His law, then I should be ready to be loving, kind, patient, good, faithful, joyful, gentle, self-controlled, and....peaceful in all situations. No excuse of busyness will now pass my lips. It is easy to make excuses for unbecoming behavior, but those excuses aren't going to further our walk with the Lord. So no more excuses, I can still choose to be peaceful in a busy life, with help from my BFF Jesus. I am now going to go be *peaceful* with my babies, have a very peaceful and blessed day!

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