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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


For those of you without babies, or that are not involved in online message boards, SAHM stands for Stay At Home Mom. And that is now what I am. After 2+ years of being a "boob lady" (Lactation Consultant) at a local hospital, I have decided to stay home with my babies. God has used many situations and circumstances to get me to see that this is the right choice for my family. I am very happy, excited, peaceful, and interested to see what this season of my life brings. I have never been a full time working mom or a full time stay at home mom. I have been blessed with this middle ground of working just enough to make the extra money we need and still spend lots of time with my kids. I have also been blessed with family and friends that have watched my kids (usually for free) so I could feel comfortable leaving them. This being said, I just kind of thought I would always continue working since it was such a perfect arrangement. But deep in my heart, God put the desire to be with them always. It started off as a dream, and then a wish, and ended in a necessity. God prepared my heart to stop working, while at the same time showed me how much my kids needed me. He took away almost all of my trusted caretakers, and made it impossible for me to deny that this was the right choice. I can now live out one of my favorite verses, "You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 11:19 ESV. On the other hand, as much as I know this is the right thing, it will still be a transition. I have always scheduled my life around what days I had to work, trying to cram everything else into the days I had off. I have never been able to make a weekly schedule for school work, cleaning, etc. because I was always working random days. I know that it will be a slower pace then I am used to, but there is nothing wrong with that. I will also be with my children 24 hours a day without the once or twice weekly break of going to work and being alone. But that is what comes with being a SAHM. I am ready to see what this season brings. I know God takes care of those who are faithful and I know this is what He wants. It will be a test on the fruits of the Spirit, (especially patience and self-control :-) but I am ready to take that on. Everything is for His glory, I'm ready. As a nice side effect, I look forward to having more time to blog as well :-) So, hopefully you will be reading this again sooner rather than later.

The reason God put me on this earth <3


  1. WOOHOO! So glad you can finally be a Stay at home mommy now! ;) Welcome to the club!

  2. Your Sisterhood Table Partner - D.April 27, 2011 at 9:04 PM

    Beautiful blog Caitlyn! Welcome to the world of SAHMs...I am not currently working either and I am enjoying my family and looking forward to finding my Faith in God again! Love you...
