If it is your first time visiting, you might want to start here for a little background on why I started this journey.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me :-)

Wow! It has been almost a month since I last blogged. I do most of my blogging at night, and nights are not the best time for me (as decided by the baby inhabiting my body.) Today, on my 24th birthday, I want to reflect on my life and the road that the Lord has led me down.
 First, a little history. I graduated from high school when I was 16. I started community college when I was 16, and this is when and where I met Jimmy. I got pregnant and married (in that order) when I was 18. I gave birth to my firstborn child, my son Tucker Richie Balderas on July 12, 2006, when I was 19 years old. This more than anything changed my life forever. From this point on, I knew that God put me on this planet to be a mom to my child (and subsequent children.) I had Tucker completely naturally, with no drugs. This gave me the confidence to know that I could do anything (of course with God's help.)  On the weekend of my 20th birthday I was baptized for the first time after a desire to renew my faith as an example for my son. Within months we found the Movement and made it our home. When I was 21 I became a Lactation Consultant, desiring to help new moms and babies, which was inspired by my birth story. On August 25th, 2009, when I was 22, I became a mother for the second time, with the blessing of Ava Selina Balderas, my first daughter. I found out I was expecting my third child when I was 23. And I started this blog when I was 23, subsequently beginning a whole new journey to becoming the woman God wants me to be.
 And now I am 24. I am still working on who God wants me to be. I am sure it will be a life long journey, and I look forward to learning more every single year. My prayer for this year is that I am truly open to whatever God asks of me, that I trust Him in every calling He has for me, and that I have no fear of what others think of what I am doing. I don't think that's too much to ask, is it? :-) I know that God hears the desires of my heart and responds to them. My verse for the next year is Philippians 4:13-"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." With even the callings I already know God has in store for the next year, I know I will only be able to do it through Christ's strength. I know that the next year includes the first year of homeschooling, a new baby to add to the brood, and growing in the Lord. I know I could never do this on my own, which gives  God all the glory. I would appreciate your prayers too, and as always, please let me know if there is anything I can pray for you for. Thanks for being on this journey with me, I hope it has inspired a new journey of your own. Here's to 24!


  1. Great reflection, Caitlyn! So awesome to see what God is teaching you and showing you as you are an amazing woman, mother, and wife. I enjoy reading your blogs and love to see your honesty.

  2. Caitlyn,
    Congratulations for your life, accomplishments, and faith. You are an inspiration. I am so thrilled for your third child and wish you a wonderful 24. You deserve it. Your family and all of us are better for knowing you as you make the world a better place with your presence.
