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Friday, August 26, 2011

Let Us Not Become Weary

I sit here listening to my son scream his lungs out. He was given the task of picking up his playroom. That was 2 hours ago. It should have taken 5 minutes. This is where I would like to scream. This is the hard part of parenting. I know God wants me to teach my children how to be independent, responsible, indivduals. It would be a lot easier for me to give in and help him or do it myself. But then Tucker would lose the life lesson that when he is given a task he has to complete it. Another aspect of this is a power struggle. Who is going to give in first? Unfortunately, Tucker and I both have the same personality which is incredibly stubborn and we both think we are always right. So you can see this is probably not going to resolve itself very soon. All I can do is pray over my son that he will calm down and stand my ground. I found a verse earlier this week that has been the only thing getting me through this difficult week of disciplining. Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." When I get to the end of the 18 years I have to teach this little person how to become a God fearing man, I want to look back with as few regrets as possible. I want to feel like I did everything in my power to show him what he needs to know. So that is my motivation. If anyone else is having a similar day, I will be praying for you. It will get better, God promises us this.

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