If it is your first time visiting, you might want to start here for a little background on why I started this journey.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 In Review

2011 In Review...
5 year anniversary (1/22)
Pulled Tucker out of preschool to homeschool him (2/3)
Found out I was pregnant (2/7)
Turned 24 (3/15)
Quit my job (3/27)
Jimmy turned 28 (5/25)
Tucker turned 5 (7/12)
Erin & Taylor got married (7/15)
Riley Family Reunion (7/10-7/16)
Ava turned 2 (8/25)
Started homeschooling for kindergarten (8/29)
Laughlin trip (9/2-9/5)
Las Vegas trip (9/8-9/11)
Gave birth to Sadie Mae @ 9:57pm (10/8)
Crazy whirlwind of kids, schooling, church, holidays, and fun ever since.

As you can see, we have had a life changing year. I knew this year would be different, I just had no idea how different. Homeschooling has changed our daily routine. Adding another member to our tribe has completely changed the way our family operates. We don't leave the house as much anymore. I have to *really* want something to take all the kids to Target. Some days I don't feel like I can do it. But then I remember God made me and only me to be these kids mom. And, he told me to homeschool my son this year. So I know he will show me the way. Everyday gets a little closer to my new normal.
As we go into 2012 I again anticipate change. The theme for 2012 in the Balderas home is "Have An Extraordinary Life." More to come on that in the new year. What do you want 2012 to be? It's up to you, ask God to help you change your life to what He wants it to be. God bless :-)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Washed in the Christmas Spirit

Christmas time is here (as I type this the Charlie Brown christmas song is playing in my head.) Another year has flown by and it is that time again. I usually set up my Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, listen to Mariah Carey Christmas a million times, and put myself in the Christmas spirit. This year has been different. We don't have a tree yet. Not a single Christmas decoration is up. And I have only been to the mall once, for the first and last time this season. I don't watch the news, read the paper, get magazines, etc. so I am not hearing stories of people pepper spraying each other for Xbox's or even a positive story of generosity. I kind of appreciate my little cocoon. It allows me to decide what I want Christmas to be for my family and not have the worlds view of Christmas forced on me. To me Christmas is not about Santa, its about Jesus. It can be about gifts, about getting the perfect gift for my loved ones, the gift that will make them smile. Not about what I am getting. Its about traditions that my grandma passed down to my mom to me and now to my children. Its about helping those who are in need and showing them that Christmas is about Jesus coming into this world to be a light. This Christmas feels different. Yes, somethings are the same, like the years old traditions. But the arrival of a new little blessing to our family has tipped the balance, and I have to examine what I do and why I do it. I am not just going along with all the craziness of Christmas because I can't, I don't have the time or the energy. I think what I am trying to say is I usually feel swept up in the Christmas madness and this year I am washed in the Christmas spirit. I am preparing to celebrate the birthday of my loving Savior and BFF while also trying to impart to my children what this season really is.
I am not sure if what is in my head is coming out in my typing, but I hope it somewhat makes sense. I am a little brain dead from having a newborn and two chatterboxes with me 24 hours a day :-) Think about what is truly important this season, and forget everything else. Make it a time to celebrate the Lord, not going crazy with the madness. Happy Birthday Jesus <3